Concurrent Work

Rambling of a coder who craves for knowledge and understanding of the world.

Written by Dongfang Qu

12 Apr 2021


Welcome to this corner of the vast universe, I didn’t expect human visitors when I’m writing down this paragraph.

I try to keep my ramblings about stuff here sometimes. Actually I want to keep them here always, I started to forget things as time goes.

Recording my thoughts here could serve as least one purpose for myself as to revist my life when I’m old in the not far future.

If you’re reading this page as a human and really want to know me a little bit without talking to me. Here is something for you:

Born and raised in a small village in the central of China. Lived in the countryside with my family until I was 18, I could do almost all the farming stuff. so I consider farmer as one of my identity. Studied geographic information systems in the university and got a masters degree of science from geography school. I found a job in the IT industry when I graduated because my interests in programming, OS and all the related stuff.

Worked in Beijing from 2013 to 2019.

Travelled to a few places in the world, like Thailand, Newzeland, Canada, Japan etc.

Moved to Dublin with my wife and daugher in 2019.

Jogging and listening to the podcast is my favourite.

That’s pretty much of it.